3M™ NB Series Filter Bag

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Inside-Outside Flow Configuration, effectively captures contaminants on the inside

Low unit-cost bags are collapsible for easy handling

Material has the ability to handle viscous fluids

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Najważniejsze cechy
  • Inside-Outside Flow Configuration, effectively captures contaminants on the inside
  • Low unit-cost bags are collapsible for easy handling
  • Material has the ability to handle viscous fluids
  • Welded seams and thermally treated exterior surfaces for control of fibre migration
  • Manufacturing processes do not include the use of silicone or adhesives for greater purity of filtered media

3M™ Series NB Polypropylene & Polyester bag filters leverage 3M’s filtration experience and manufacturing expertise to provide cost effective solutions for applications where nominally rated bag filtration is appropriate. 3M Series NB bags are offered in Size #1 and #2 configurations in grades from 1 to 200 microns and fit into standard bag filter baskets and housings.

We provide cost effective solutions for applications where nominally rated bag filtration is preferred. Our 3M Series NB filter bags are manufactured in Size #1 and #2 configurations, ranging in grades from 1 to 200 microns and fit into standard bag filter baskets and housings. Our lightweight, low cost filtering material offers high chemical and corrosion resistance. It has a high contaminant holding capacity and ability to remove both solid and viscous particles.

Consistent Filtration
We use welded Side Seams to form the bag and secure the sealing ring, because there are no sewn holes there is no particle by-pass through the seam. Media migration is also controlled through thermal treatment of the exterior surface, which prevents material fibres from migrating into the clean, filtered process media. We then use state-of-the-art procedures to properly weld the seams and affix the media to the collar and form a complete, cohesive filter with no holes from sewing.

Plastic or Metal Ring
Proper sealing of the bag in the filter housing is necessary for prevention of fluid bypass and subsequent contamination of the downstream fluid. All of our 3M and trade; Series NB Polyethylene and Polyester Filter Bags are offered in both plastic and metal ring sealing collar versions that will properly seal onto most filter bag manufacturers' housings.

For plastic collar versions, we weld the filter bag media to a specially designed plastic collar to provide proper sealing of the 3M NB series filter bags in most conventional bag housings. The plastic collar incorporates an ergonomically designed handle allowing for easy removal of the filter bag from the filter housing. Handle designs also allow for insertion of bag accessories (displacement balloons, magnets, etc.) For ease of identification and traceability, we engrave the handles with micron grade and manufacturing lot information.

Metal ring collar versions use a galvanized steel ring for sealing the 3M NB series filter.


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