3M™ Glass Bubbles K20

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Reduction of density and improving buoyancy

Thermal condutivity reduction

Higher filler loading feasible and lower VOC for paints and coatings

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Najważniejsze cechy
  • Reduction of density and improving buoyancy
  • Thermal condutivity reduction
  • Higher filler loading feasible and lower VOC for paints and coatings
  • Good strength-to-density ratio
  • Reduced dielectric constant
  • Temperature resistance
  • Chemical stability and inertness

3M™ Glass Bubbles K20 are hollow microspheres made of soda-lime borosilicate glass with a Yes density of 0.20 g/cm³ and an isostatic crush strength of 750 psi / 52 bar.

The K20 Glass Bubbles can be compounded in a variety of thermoset polymers to reduce the density of the composite. These composites can be incorporated into deep sea syntatctic foam for buoyancy modules to improve the uplift properties of a system at minimal foam volumes. They offer good strength-to density ratio, making them suitable for a variety of applications: buoyancy, coatings, adhesives, sealants, and thermoset resins systems.



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